About us

The Churchill Archives Centre was purpose-built in 1973 to house Winston Churchill’s papers. Since then, we have grown to encompass almost 600 important figures and the number is still growing. We hold the personal papers of individuals who made and remade British domestic politics and international relations, advanced scientific knowledge, and who observed or transformed society, economics and culture. 

Our objectives are to preserve these unique collections and make the materials available to a wide range of audiences, in the reading room, online, and through public engagement projects. 

Churchill Archives Centre can be found within the grounds of Churchill College with a 42 acre campus – the largest college site in Cambridge and is just a short bike ride from the city centre. 

The items found on our page are just a fragment of the wealth of material we hold. There is plenty more to explore and a variety of ways to do so. 

You can search the entirety of our collections with our online catalogues and book a seat in our reading room to physically view the items.  

We also offer a reprographics service to provide digital copies of items not already available online. 

Learn more about our history