Audio recordings

Including interviews, oral histories and radio programmes. Highlights here include an interview between Mark Abrams (social scientist and businessman) and his grandson, and interviews conducted throughout 2019 with Female MPs, Rebel MPs and Academics.
ERS Round Table
Reference Code:
SOBA 6/3/30
ERS here is Electoral Reform Society. From the 'Features' section.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

One in Five: NASUWT
Reference Code:
SOBA 6/3/31
National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers, the Teacher's Union. From the 'Features' section
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Audio tape of Phyllis Willmott's oral history interviews with Michael Young about his early life, 1915-29
Reference Code:
YUNG 10/6/3
2000 (creation)
Side 1: Michael Young's mother, Edith Young, an actress and teacher, and his father, Gibson Young, a violinist; doubts about whether his father was actually a Russian Communist refugee, who lodged with the family in Hale, Greater Manchester; the family's move to Melbourne, Australia, and their life there; his experience of parental neglect; his father's return to England; the possibility of adoption; his move to live at his grandparents' home in Melbourne, with weekly visits to his mother; his return to England with his mother to live in London; and the gradual breakdown of his parents' relationship. Duration: 35;06 minutes. Recorded on 10 November 2000.
Side 2: happier memories of childhood in Australia, swimming in the lagoon, a tram trip to the zoo, hiking in the hills, and his mother's literary circle of friends; living with his parents in one room in Chelsea in London on their return to England; elementary school near the Fulham Road and boarding preparatory schools in Bristol and in Cockfosters; and moving at the instigation of an aunt, who was involved in progressive education, to Dartington Hall School. Duration: 28:29 minutes. Recorded on 19 November 2000.
The Papers of Michael Young

Audio tape of Phyllis Willmott's oral history interviews with Michael Young about his early life, 1929-33
Reference Code:
YUNG 10/6/4
2000 (creation)
Side 1: Michael Young's introductory visit to Dartington Hall School and being driven round the estate by Whitney Straight; further memories of the Grange preparatory boarding school in Cockfosters; his interest in sport; starting as a pupil at Dartington; his mother, Edith Young, living with the writer Philip Henderson at Abbotsbury in Dorset; a room of his own at Dartington; the children's dining room and the good and plentiful food; the informal teaching style in private rooms, the children's involvement in deciding the curriculum and non-compulsory attendance at lessons; working on the estate, particularly the orchard, the cider house, and growing daffodils; his interest in painting, influenced by his artist uncle, Ronald Ossory Dunlop, and his art teacher, Adrian Kent; winning a scholarship and meeting Dorothy Elmhirst; repairing and racing old motorbikes with a fellow pupil; Whitney Straight buying an aeroplane and learning to fly; the new Headmaster, W. B. Curry; and Dorothy Elmhirst and her children. Duration: 42:44 minutes. Recorded on 9 December 2000.
Side 2 is unused.
The Papers of Michael Young

Audio tape of Phyllis Willmott's oral history interviews with Michael Young about his early life, 1929-33
Reference Code:
YUNG 10/6/5
2001 (creation)
Side 1: Michael Young's time at Dartington Hall School; outdoor work on the estate, particularly woodland management; buying and repairing motorbikes with a fellow pupil; Margaret Barr, the dance teacher; organising and running businesses to sell eggs from the poultry farm on Totnes market and vegetables from the garden to the school kitchen; staying during the summer holidays with Dorothy and Leonard Elmhirst in the United States and the friendship with her son, Michael Straight, engineered by Dorothy; the journey on a White Star Line transatlantic liner; arriving in New York; Dorothy Elmhirst's servants in the United States; her apartment on Park Avenue and her country estate at Old Westbury, New York; travelling between the two in the family's private train carriage; a trip to the Whitney family estate in the Adirondack mountains; the personal significance of his relationship with Dorothy Elmhirst; staying with the Roosevelts at the White House; tennis lessons at Forest Hills; failing and then narrowly passing his Matriculation; his asthma; and the Elmhirsts helping him find a job at PEP (Political and Economic Planning) and funding his studies at LSE and the Bar. Duration: 46:12 minutes. Recorded on 11 January 2001.
Side 2 is unused.
The Papers of Michael Young

Audio tape of Phyllis Willmott's interviews with Michael Young about his early life, 1933-53
Reference Code:
YUNG 10/6/6
2001 (creation)
Side 1: Michael Young moving to London and living at Toynbee Hall in the East End; working at McKenna and Co, Dorothy and Leonard Elmhirst's firm of solicitors in the City, presided over by Fred Gwatkin; moving on his own to a rented flat in Bloomsbury; membership of the Holborn branch of the Labour Party and standing as a candidate for the Council in Holborn and St Pancras; moving in with his mother, Edith Young, in Bloomsbury; studying for the Bar at Gray's Inn; taking an evening course at the LSE and then switching to study Economics, Politics, Social History and Law full-time there; being elected Secretary of the LSE Students' Union; going to anti-Fascist demonstrations in London with his mother, Edith, during the Spanish Civil War; his first girlfriends; travelling around on his motorbike and visiting Dartington; his continuing relationship with Dorothy and Leonard Elmhirst; qualifying as a barrister; working on a plan for wartime manpower policy for Max Nicholson at PEP (Political and Economic Planning); recruitment by Lord Perth to a Civil Service unit making preparations for wartime and the withdrawal of the offer because he had been identified by MI5 as a student Communist; joining PEP as a research officer instead; the post-war reconstruction group set up by Max Nicholson and their discussions of future plans for Europe. Duration; 47:04 minutes. Recorded on 29 May 2001.
Side 2: working at PEP on post-war reconstruction on the domestic front and how to pay for the war (pamphlet titled "Financial Mysticism"); meeting John Maynard Keynes to talk about the latter; his report on preparation for the emergency response to the bombing of London (pamphlet titled "London Under Bombing"); leaving PEP to work in a marine munitions factory in Swindon; joining the Home Guard and training with Tom Winteringham at Osterley Park; becoming the labour manager for the munitions factory, recruiting women workers, liaising with the trade unions, distributing the petrol ration, and progress chasing orders supplied to shipyards around the country; boarding with the Palphramand family in Swindon; meeting Joan Lawson, who later became his first wife; returning to PEP as director; moving to head the Labour Party Research Department at Transport House; the 1945 General Election campaign; Peter Willmott's letter about "Small Man, Big World", meeting each other, and recruiting him to the Research Department; the 1950 and 1951 General Elections; Michael Young's idea for a consumer advice service; his world tour to India, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, and a narrow escape from a plane crash; his lifelong friendship and working relationship with Peter and Phyllis Willmott; leaving the Research Department and spending time at the Tavistock Institute; starting a PhD on the extended family in Bethnal Green supervised by Richard Titmuss and based at Oxford House. Duration: 36:34 minutes. Recorded on 10 July 2001?
The Papers of Michael Young