Interview with Dame Caroline Spelman MP - Yezidi Women and ISIS survivors
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/20
2018-03-26 (creation)
Spelman hosted an exhibition of art in Westminster Hall on 26 March portraying the work of artist Hannah Rose Thomas who drew gold leaf portraits of Yezidi women who had escaped ISIS captivity. Working with the Christian Charity, Open Doors, Thomas hoped that her exhibition would draw further attention to the plight of the Yezidi Women. The recording first hears from Thomas about some of the art and the individuals behind them. Sones asks about the exhibition, Spelman discusses how important a cause this is and her experience of the Yezidi Women who visited Parliament. Sones talks to Thomas once again and she explains her art and her time spent with the Yezidi Women. Sones moves onto talk to Rosie Winterton MP and Open Doors Head of Advocacy Zoe Smith. Both women talk the listener through the stories within the exhibition and displays. Both add that international solidarity is very important, especially during #Vote100. Sones speaks to Spelman again, who maintains that International Aid is given to appropriate groups and to ensure that the poorest get the assistance they need.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Maggie Throup MP for Erewash on her debate on junk food and children's health
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/4
2018-01-17 (creation)
Throup is speaking in support of the government's moves to clamp down on the sugar content of foods but says advertisements for junk food should not be shown when children are likely to be watching. Throup discusses the obesity epidemic and the cost to society, their health and how important this this. Sones asks why it is Jamie Oliver leading the challenge to the obesity epidemic. Throup is also asked about modern slavery and Theresa May's role.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Baroness Ros Altmann on Theresa May's speech to the Conservative Party conference
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/45
2018-10-03 (creation)
Altmann, a Conservative Peer and former Pensions Minister, gives her reaction to the Prime Minister, Theresa May's speech to Conference today. Theresa May ruled out a People's Vote and a Second Referendum saying it would be a 'politician's vote' and diminish 'faith in our democracy'. Altmann, a leading proponent of a People's Vote, says she will continue to campaign for one.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Jo Swinson MP and baby Gabriel: Proxy Voting
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/42
2018-09-13 (creation)
Swinson made parliamentary history by taking her 11 week old son Gabriel into the Chamber of the House of Commons while she listened to the end of a debate on Proxy Voting. Swinson had spoken previously in the same debate before leaving to feed Gabriel. Swinson speaks about supporting proxy voting. Swinson had spoken passionately about the difficulties of getting young babies to 'latch' when breast feeding and revealed that she keeps expressed milk not alcohol in her office fridge. Swinson had to confront the controversy of Tory whips telling their MPs who had been 'paired' with others, to break that pairing arrangement in an important vote before the summer recess on Brexit which the government narrowly won.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Carolyn Harris MP: a new Private Members' Bill that helps 1950 women affected by the State Pension Age increase
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/44
2018-10-02 (creation)
Harris, Labour MP for Swansea East brought in a new Private Members' Bill to alleviate the hardship caused to 1950s born women who have seen their pension ages increase. At least 2.6 million women are said to be affected by these staggered changes to the age at which they can now retire. The Pensions (Review of Women's Arrangements) Bill was supposed to be read for a second time on the floor of the House at the end of October 2018 but Harris asked for it to be rescheduled on one sitting Friday in November or December to ensure that it gets heard rather than dropped. Harris' Bill proposes three measures that would alleviate the hardship: these are transitional payments to be made until women qualify for the pension at the new age, an extension of tax credits where there is no other income, and all women to be given the maximum pension entitlement. Harris believes that this is the fastest route. She has come in for criticism from others, but pointed out that the All Party Parliamentary group on inequality and the State Pension Age is not associated with any other campaigns.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Emma Lewell-Buck, the Labour MP for South Shields
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/62
2019-01-09 (creation)
The Charlie Cookson Foundation is run by parents Sarah and Chris Cookson, who lost a child, and helps to support children with life threatening conditions. [] Their child was found to have a heart condition and requires a transplant. On January 9th Lewell-Buck, Shadow Minister for Children and Families, asked Theresa May to help save their child. Theresa May declared that she would encourage people to make organ donations.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Baroness Susan Kramer: Brexit and Food Standards
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/68/2
2019-03-06 (creation)
Baroness Kramer is the Liberal Democrat spokesperson on Treasury and the Economy and has expressed concerns about the standards of food production in the UK falling when the UK leaves the EU. The Soil Association published a report expressing its fears over chlorine washed chicken, hormones, antibiotics, food colourings, pesticides and animal welfare. A former DEFRA Minister, George Eustace has also written of his concerns over food standards. Kramer sets out what she thinks the important issues are on food standards and why her party are against a no-deal Brexit.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Danielle Rowley, Labour MP for Midlothian and Paul Sweeney, Labour MP for Glasgow North East and shadow Scotland Minister: Giving 16 Year Olds the Vote
Reference Code:
SOBA 2/1
2019-05-13 (creation)
Sones speaks to Rowley and Sweeney after a Parliamentary debate on giving 16 year olds the vote, Rowley says that she was disappointed by the Conservative response when the debate had been positive. She goes onto the say that arguments against extending the voting franchise are very similar to the arguments made against giving women the vote. The Conservative minister used the phrase 'no taxation without representation' and argued that giving 16 year olds the vote, would mean you would have to tax them. Rowley disagrees with this line of argument because unemployed people are allowed to vote. Sweeney does not believe that the Conservative argument is illogical, by engaging young people, letting them vote and making it part of the school curriculum, they are much more likely to vote later in life. Sones mentions that in Scotland, 16 year olds are allowed to vote - Rowley thinks the success in Scotland is proof that it would be a positive step. Sweeney challenges the idea that the Conservative Party do not want votes for 16 year olds because of the fear that they will vote a certain way, by speaking about Ruth Davidson's (leader of the Scottish Conservative Party 2011 - 2019) support for the change. Both agree that this is about the rights young people have. Sones moves the conversation onto Theresa May offering to work with Jeremy Corbyn on the Brexit Agreement, both agree that May has done this too late on. Rowley discusses her experience at 17 coming to visit Parliament and her group being better behaved than the sitting MPs at the time.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Suella Braverman, Conservative MP for Fareham
Reference Code:
SOBA 2/12
2019-07-17 (creation)
Sones asks about Proxy Voting and how it will help, Braverman thinks that it is a huge improvement to guarantee that Braverman's constituents are represented accordingly in Parliament. Braverman does not agree that those on maternity leave should get extra funds to operate as an MP and disagrees with Harriet Harman, the Mother of the House. Braverman brought up a local constituency issue during Prime Minister's Questions regarding a pedestrian crossing and parking near a local primary school. Sones moves onto ask about the Conservative Leadership Election, Braverman is backing Alexander 'Boris' Johnson. Braverman talks about Jeremy Hunt but is supporting Johnson because the country requires someone who acts and does not simply talk. She also supports Johnson because he has 'boldly committed to Brexit' in 2016 and his resignation over the Chequers proposals. Braverman thinks Johnson is the one to win an election and beat Jeremy Corbyn. Sones asks Braverman on the odds of a 'no-deal' Brexit under Johnson, she believes Johnson is bound to October 31st as 'Brexit Day'.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Lucy Allen, Conservative MP, on Brexit and Health
Reference Code:
SOBA 2/22
2019-10-24 (creation)
Allen asked the Prime Minister about her local hospital in Telford and the possibility about closure, Allen wants the Prime Minister's pledge for the NHS to be more than words. Sones and Allen speak about Johnson's focus on the NHS and levelling up the NHS across the country, particularly in places like Telford. Allen thinks that without a General Election, Parliament will continue to delay Brexit. Sones asks about abuse that Allen has faced, Allen speaks about how 'nasty' the 2017 General Election was in Telford.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview as part of Professor Catherine Barnard's @2903cb podcast with Boni Sones
Reference Code:
SOBA 2/7/2
2019-05-27 (creation)
Sones begins by asking about the European Election, the 'Remain' Parties, the Brexit Party and UKIP. Barnard discusses Labour's 'constructive ambiguity' and for the Conservatives, the Prime Minister's turmoil and leadership contest. Barnard speaks about the process of a 'No-Deal Brexit' and the consequences of it. They discuss European and British leadership in the European Parliament and elections for various positions within Europe. Sones and Barnard discuss the World Trade Organisation and how the Brexiteers fail to understand the implications.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother