Audio tape of Phyllis Willmott's interviews with Michael Young about his early life, 1933-53
Reference Code:
YUNG 10/6/6
2001 (creation)
Side 1: Michael Young moving to London and living at Toynbee Hall in the East End; working at McKenna and Co, Dorothy and Leonard Elmhirst's firm of solicitors in the City, presided over by Fred Gwatkin; moving on his own to a rented flat in Bloomsbury; membership of the Holborn branch of the Labour Party and standing as a candidate for the Council in Holborn and St Pancras; moving in with his mother, Edith Young, in Bloomsbury; studying for the Bar at Gray's Inn; taking an evening course at the LSE and then switching to study Economics, Politics, Social History and Law full-time there; being elected Secretary of the LSE Students' Union; going to anti-Fascist demonstrations in London with his mother, Edith, during the Spanish Civil War; his first girlfriends; travelling around on his motorbike and visiting Dartington; his continuing relationship with Dorothy and Leonard Elmhirst; qualifying as a barrister; working on a plan for wartime manpower policy for Max Nicholson at PEP (Political and Economic Planning); recruitment by Lord Perth to a Civil Service unit making preparations for wartime and the withdrawal of the offer because he had been identified by MI5 as a student Communist; joining PEP as a research officer instead; the post-war reconstruction group set up by Max Nicholson and their discussions of future plans for Europe. Duration; 47:04 minutes. Recorded on 29 May 2001.
Side 2: working at PEP on post-war reconstruction on the domestic front and how to pay for the war (pamphlet titled "Financial Mysticism"); meeting John Maynard Keynes to talk about the latter; his report on preparation for the emergency response to the bombing of London (pamphlet titled "London Under Bombing"); leaving PEP to work in a marine munitions factory in Swindon; joining the Home Guard and training with Tom Winteringham at Osterley Park; becoming the labour manager for the munitions factory, recruiting women workers, liaising with the trade unions, distributing the petrol ration, and progress chasing orders supplied to shipyards around the country; boarding with the Palphramand family in Swindon; meeting Joan Lawson, who later became his first wife; returning to PEP as director; moving to head the Labour Party Research Department at Transport House; the 1945 General Election campaign; Peter Willmott's letter about "Small Man, Big World", meeting each other, and recruiting him to the Research Department; the 1950 and 1951 General Elections; Michael Young's idea for a consumer advice service; his world tour to India, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, and a narrow escape from a plane crash; his lifelong friendship and working relationship with Peter and Phyllis Willmott; leaving the Research Department and spending time at the Tavistock Institute; starting a PhD on the extended family in Bethnal Green supervised by Richard Titmuss and based at Oxford House. Duration: 36:34 minutes. Recorded on 10 July 2001?
The Papers of Michael Young

Soundscriber recording of a draft version of "The Second World War", Volume 1, "The Gathering Storm": chapter 7 "Air Parity Lost", pp 97, 99
Reference Code:
CHWL 6/5/24a side 1
1947-08 (creation)
Subjects include reaction to the Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin’s admission of the loss of air parity with Germany, including the poem "Death and his brother sleep". Note that there is no side 2.
Chartwell Manuscripts

Soundscriber recording of a draft version of "The Second World War", Volume 1, "The Gathering Storm": chapter 17 "The Tragedy of Munich", pp 250-51
Reference Code:
CHWL 6/5/9a side 2
1947-08 (creation)
Subjects include Hitler and the German generals. Includes the sound of a dog barking and WSC saying "That dog must be silent."
Chartwell Manuscripts

Oral History: Doug Ashman
Reference Code:
2012-11 (creation)
Includes: transcript and recording of interview with Doug Ashman, Head Groundsman, 1961-1999, on his experiences of working at Churchill College including recollections of Reverend Cain, Major General Jack Hamilton, working practices and equipment in the grounds and gardens department, moving the trees planted by Sir Winston Churchill, and the sports pitches. Also includes cartoons of Doug Ashman, notes for his retirement speech and photos of Doug's retirement and the Duke of Edinburgh arriving at the College.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral History: John Moore
Reference Code:
2016-02-24 (creation)
Includes: arrival in Cambridge; Master's Garden (Boyd); initial tasks; Moller Centre planting; swimming pool; private road planting; courtyards; Sheppard Flats; Wolfson Flats; Graduate Houses; raised planted on main lawn; Madingley Road hedge and bank; office courtyard; Study Centre; Moller Centre extension; Donations - Dan Leighton; Michael Lewis; Frank Maine; Cowan Court; first landscape design; Master's garden (Wallace and Donald); tree planting ceremonies
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral History: Dr Michael Rycroft
Reference Code:
2017-02-24 (creation)
The interviews cover the following: early education; coming to Churchill; life in College; personalities; study and research; sports and social life; attitudes towards the College in the 1960s; College ethos; later careers.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral History: Dr Barrie Hesketh
Reference Code:
2017 (creation)
Childhood and School; Early visual awareness: emergence of key artistic interest in the visual field; Leaving home; Actor training, and emerging key area of interest: audience behaviour; Career as an actor; Birth of the Mull Little Theatre; First contact with Churchill College; First Visit to Churchill; Response to Churchill College architecture and design; College life as setting for creative enquiry into audience behaviour; Formal experiment in audience behaviour; Contribution to student theatre: directing The Insect Play, for The Gods; Connecting with Churchill's academic and wider community: walls and bridges; Sir William Hawthorne; C P Snow; Philippa Comber, first College Counsellor; Value of connection with College; The 'playhouse': play as experimentation, in arts and in sciences; Culture shocks: alcohol, sexism – and a way of being a critical friend to the College; Dyslexic in Academia; College life inspires new writing for the stage; Enacts unique improvised counselling session to inform College members about Counsellor's role
Childhood and School; Early visual awareness: emergence of key artistic interest in the visual field; Leaving home; Actor training, and emerging key area of interest: audience behaviour; Career as an actor; Birth of the Mull Little Theatre; First contact with Churchill College; First Visit to Churchill; Response to Churchill College architecture and design; College life as setting for creative enquiry into audience behaviour; Formal experiment in audience behaviour; Contribution to student theatre: directing The Insect Play, for The Gods; Connecting with Churchill's academic and wider community: walls and bridges; Sir William Hawthorne; C P Snow; Philippa Comber, first College Counsellor; Value of connection with College; The 'playhouse': play as experimentation, in arts and in sciences; Culture shocks: alcohol, sexism – and a way of being a critical friend to the College; Dyslexic in Academia; College life inspires new writing for the stage; Enacts unique improvised counselling session to inform College members about Counsellor's role
Childhood and School; Early visual awareness: emergence of key artistic interest in the visual field; Leaving home; Actor training, and emerging key area of interest: audience behaviour; Career as an actor; Birth of the Mull Little Theatre; First contact with Churchill College; First Visit to Churchill; Response to Churchill College architecture and design; College life as setting for creative enquiry into audience behaviour; Formal experiment in audience behaviour; Contribution to student theatre: directing The Insect Play, for The Gods; Connecting with Churchill's academic and wider community: walls and bridges; Sir William Hawthorne; C P Snow; Philippa Comber, first College Counsellor; Value of connection with College; The 'playhouse': play as experimentation, in arts and in sciences; Culture shocks: alcohol, sexism – and a way of being a critical friend to the College; Dyslexic in Academia; College life inspires new writing for the stage; Enacts unique improvised counselling session to inform College members about Counsellor's role
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral History: Les Smith
Reference Code:
2014-05-29 (creation)
Includes: how he got the job; first colleagues; early tasks; briefly refers to Cockcroft funeral; Sir William Hawthorne and Major-General Hamilton; also Tom Hitchens and Albert Richmond; working hours.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral History: Gordon Patterson
Reference Code:
2016-09-28 (creation)
Includes; Sheila Haywood Landscape Architect; Gardens of the Mughul India; First Impressions of Sheila Haywood's landscape master plan; Moller Theatre; Four-Square Garden; Private Road Planting; Master's Garden; Audit of the Existing Landscape 1996; Mulberry Tree; John Moore; Jamie Buchanan Landscape Architect; Vision for original planting;
Official Archive of Churchill College

Cecily "Chips" Gemmell
Reference Code:
1986 (creation)
Interview with Cecily Gemmell, former personal secretary to Winston Churchill (1947-51) and Clementine Churchill (1951-53).
Churchill Oral History

Sir John Martin
Reference Code:
1986 (creation)
Interview with Sir John Martin, former Private Secretary (1940-41) and Principal Private Secretary (1941-45) to Winston Churchill.
Churchill Oral History

Soundscriber recording of a conversation about using the Soundscriber machine
Reference Code:
CHWL 6/5/16 side 1
1947-08 (creation)
Conversation between WSC and others including Mary Soames [earlier Mary Churchill] and "Tommy" [? Commander Charles Thompson, former Personal Assistant to WSC], including the phrase "it’s a great lesson against megalomania".
Chartwell Manuscripts

Oral History: Dr Barry Shorthouse
Reference Code:
2016-09-25 (creation)
The interviews cover the following: early education; coming to Churchill; life in College; personalities; study and research; sports and social life; attitudes towards the College in the 1960s; College ethos; later careers.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral History: Michael Thouless
Reference Code:
2017-10-17 (creation)
Includes: Sir William Hawthorne and Magic; Admission to Churchill; Colin Campbell; Jack Miller; John Brunton and Cambridge supervisions; early memories and living in College; croquet lawns; impressions of being student at Churchill; Chapel and appointment of Bryan Spinks; College societies; return to Churchill as an Overseas Fellow; Professor David Thouless; setting Churchill traditions; High Table and wives; Superhall; reputation of the College and Admissions
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral history: Sir John Boyd
Reference Code:
2018-06-22 (creation)
Appointment to Mastership; Mastership interviewing process; The Fellowship, inc. Frank Hahn, Dick Tizard, and Boping Yuan; former Masters - Hawthorne, Bondi and Broers; Comparison with Embassy in Japan; Music, the ‘Hill’ colleges and the Colleges’ Committee; Modern Languages; Oriental Garden; the Master’s Lodge; Students; Relocation of office to Admin Corridor; Objectives as Master; Appointment of Director of the Moller Centre; Appointment of Vice-Chancellor; Visit of Speaker of the House of Commons (Betty Boothroyd); Workload; Student Disciplinary Appeals and Behaviour; Henry Moore; ‘Chaka’ and Akin Euba; Master’s Portrait; Vertical contact, integration and internationalism; Julia Boyd and her book ‘Travellers in the Third Reich’ (2017). Includes some references to staff members.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Recording 1
Reference Code:
2021-03-23 (creation)
Interview includes coming to Churchill College; early GODS; first directing role, teaching in English, and 'Pablo Naruda' (1973) play
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral history: interviews by Tamsin Palmer
Reference Code:
1996 (creation)
Cambridge Audio Tapes: Churchill College, Cambridge: one of a series of tapes produced by the American Friends of Cambridge University, consisting of interviews recorded and presented by Tamsin Palmer. Includes interviews with George Steiner, Frank Hahn, Archie Howie, Dick Tizard, Tony Hewish, Mike Gregory, Mark Tester, Alec Broers (Master), Michael Allen (Bursar), Colin Fraser (Senior Tutor), Piers Brendon (Keeper of the Archives), Bethan Chatters (UG), Charles Gubser (PG), Joanna Lewis (JRF) and Lynsey Marsh (alumna).
Official Archive of Churchill College

5th Roskill Memorial Lecture
Reference Code:
1993-02-03 (creation)
Given by Admiral Sir Julian Oswald, First Sea Lord.
Including correspondence with Admiral Sir Julian Oswald and with guests; an audio tape and transcript of the lecture; an invitation; a poster; press releases; a guest list; a table plan; thank you letters; and photographs.
Official Archive of Churchill College

7th Roskill Memorial Lecture
Reference Code:
1997 (creation)
Given by Professor Paul Kennedy.
Including correspondence with Paul Kennedy and with some guests; 2 transcripts of the lecture; 3 audio tapes of the lecture; a menu; a ticket; a poster; a guest list; and contact sheets of photographs.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Roy Astley Richards
Reference Code:
1978-10-12 (creation)
Talk 'Churchill the man' by Roy Astley Richards OBE, personal bodyguard to Sir Winston Churchill 1945-46, given at the River Thames Society, Marlow, in 1978, along with a copy of the notes for the speech.
Churchill Oral History