UK Parliament Week: Why you need to persevere in politics
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/54
2018-11-14 (creation)
Dame Caroline Spelman, the Conservative MP for Meriden and former Secretary of State for the Environment in David Cameron's 2010 government, hosted an event in Westminster to explore ways of encouraging more women to enter the Church.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

#IWD2019 Rachel Reeves MP "Women of Westminster - The MPs who Changed Politics"
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/68/4
2019-03-07 (creation)
In an interview with Jackie Ashley, Reeves spoke about writing her first book 'Alice in Westminster - the life of Alice Bacon', who won her Leeds North East seat, the first woman to do so, in the 1945 General Election. Reeves is an economist and has served Leeds West since 2010, she was made Shadow Secretary for Work and Pensions in 2013 but did not return to the role post-maternity leave. She tells Ashley that 'it is a bit of a club being in Westminster and women haven't always fitted in'. Reeves thinks that progress has been made - including having two-hundred-and-nine women in Westminster. Reeves still thinks progress needs to be made as Parliament is a long way from being 50:50. Reeves discusses the murder of Jo Cox, the targeting of black women and Jewish women like Diane Abbot and Luciana Berger. Reeves spoke about her favourite story of a female MP - Eleanor Rathbone an Independent MP who worked across the political spectrum who got the first family allowances paid directly to women.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Caroline Spelman MP and Jack Dromey MP - Preventing a no-deal Brexit
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/63
2019-01-09 (creation)
Sones discusses attempts by MPs to ensure that the UK will not leave the European Union with a no-deal. Over 220 MPs signed a letter trying to guarantee this. The no-deal letter was started by neighbouring Midlands MPs from opposite sides of the party divide, Dame Caroline Spelman, Conservative MP for Meriden and Jack Dromey, Labour MP for Birmingham Erdington who both said jobs had already been lost in their constituencies. Dromey tells Sones that MPs have to remain focused to do everything to get a deal and ensure that the economy. Spelman supports Theresa May's Withdrawal Agreement.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Professor David Howarth, University of Cambridge and former MP on why Alexander 'Boris' Johnson 'should have already gone'
Reference Code:
SOBA 2/16
2019-09-17 (creation)
Sones asks Howarth about the prorogation of Parliament and a ruling in Scotland. Howarth discusses the importance of the decisions and what prorogation means. Howarth goes onto to discuss the relationship between the House of Commons, The Prime Minister and The Queen. Howarth discusses the relationship between the Police, Courts and the Government and the potential impacts of the breaking down of the rule of Law.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Meg Hillier, Labour MP for Hackney South and Shoreditch and Chair of the Public Accounts Committee. Hillier was knocked out in the first round of voting for the new Speaker of the House of Commons
Reference Code:
SOBA 2/25
2019-11-14 (creation)
Hillier stood for Speaker of the House, Hillier expands on why and Sones is curious as to why many recommendations in reference to bullying in Parliament have not been implemented as of yet. Hillier thinks MPs need better Human Resources advice and trained office managers, many MPs rush into the role without any experience once they get into Parliament. Hillier says that when there is an issue with an MP, it is often the staff member who gets removed from their role. Hillier thinks that Parliament has been modernised under John Bercow's speakership but that there is a long way to go where bullying is concerned. Sones asks whether Parliament has done its job in recent years, she believes so as it kept the Executive in check, but that it was a difficult system to operate in. However, Hillier does believe that there have been many things that have not gone through Parliament as there is no majority either way.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Thursday: The Cambridge European Elections and Vox Pops
Reference Code:
SOBA 2/6
2019-05-27 (creation)
The event is being recorded live from St Mary's Church for the Election Hustings - candidates include the Brexit Party (Edmund Fordham), Change UK (Neil Carmichael), Greens (Catherine Rowett), Labour (Alvin Shum), Conservatives (Tom McLeren), Liberal Democrats (Lucy Nethsingha) and UKIP (Stuart Agnew). Each candidate talks through why they should be the choice for Cambridge. Sones then speaks to some attendees after the event.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Recording 3
Reference Code:
2015-11-19 (creation)
Mastership elections; the Chapel and the Chaplains; origins of the 'Churchill Prayer'; the Moller Centre, Carlsberg Foundation and first contact with Mr Moller.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral History: Peter Clarke
Reference Code:
2016-03-09 (creation)
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral History: Meredith Lloyd-Evans
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2016-05-18 (creation)
Discussion about Lloyd-Evans landscape plan and planting (1970); interest in plants; first impressions of College; Mulberry tree; Buttery pond.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral History: Peter Hunt
Reference Code:
2016-11-09 (creation)
Includes: coming to Churchill and first impressions; Master's Garden and swimming pool; Derek Gautrey; Sheppard and Wolfson Flats; Moller Centre; Hedge along Madingley Road; Anne Hammerton; Hywel George equipment and health & safety
Official Archive of Churchill College

Sir John Cockcroft: radio documentary
Reference Code:
1969-2005 (creation)
Audio tape of, plus explanatory letter from Mark Goldie about the tape's content, a radio documentary (?BBC) about Sir John which includes the voices of Cockcroft, Sir Robert Cockburn, Kenneth McQuillen, and Richard Tizard.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral History: Doug Ashman
Reference Code:
2017-07 (creation)
Includes: previous employment: The Leys School, Cambridge University Rugby & Football Ground, Newnham College; Churchill in 1961; cricket square; Groundsmen’s Association; training; drainage; It’s a Knock Out!; Librarian; Staff Social Club; buttery pool; first computers in College; lime trees and Møller Centre; equipment; hostel gardens, oak and mulberry trees; Mentions: M Postgate; B Shorthouse; Major-General Hamilton; George Orr; Ralph Thoday; Lord Butler; Tom Hitchens; Graham Pledger; Albert Hayward; Tim the Gardener; Duke of Edinburgh; Hywel George; Peter Hunt; Mary Broers and dog; Albert Richmond; Anne Hammerton; Les Smith; Sid Brown
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral History: Victor Brown, Conservator at Churchill Archives Centre
Reference Code:
2014-03-19 (creation)
Recording and transcript of interview by Lesley Ackeroyd (former member of staff at Churchill Archives Centre) with Victor Brown. Includes: description of work at the Archives Centre and Victor's role; the Churchill papers and other collections; Edwin Welch, Michael Hoskin, Angela Raspin, Correlli Barnett; construction of the Archives Centre; the reading room; and VIP visits.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral History: Correlli Barnett/Josephine Sykes
Reference Code:
2015-09-21 (creation)
Includes: First Colloquium (28/30 March 1994); Archives Fellow Commoners; Archivists; Conservator (Vic Brown); amusing anecdotes; Thatcher visit; Churchill Papers; Hailsham Papers; daily life in Archives Centre
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral history: Archie Howie
Reference Code:
2019-06-26 (creation)
Includes: (At end) Prof Howie reading two of his poems: ‘The Biological Journeys of Richard Keynes’ and ‘Fine Cooking and Gluttony’. Also included: Appointment to Churchill and Junior Research Fellowships; Governing Body meetings, Admission to Fellowship and Founder Fellows; Sir John Cockcroft, Building and Visiting Fellowships; Death of the Founder; John Morrison; Appointment of Fellows; Major-General Hamilton; Chapel Controversy and John Killen; College Council; Committees set up to consider the Admission of Women; Appointment as Dean; Women at High Table; Ladies’ Evenings; Events for wives of Fellows; Sir Edward Bullard and Mastership Elections; Sir Hermann Bondi; Lord Broers; President of the SCR and the participation of Fellows; Special Events and ‘Howie’ Poems; Richard Hey;
Visiting Fellowship Scheme and First French Government Fellow; Denys Armstrong and the Building of the College.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral history: Judith Rolfe
Reference Code:
2019-06-07 (creation)
Judith Rolfe (nee Harland), a newly-qualified architect, took up a position at Sheppard Robson and in c. 1962 worked on some of the detailed design drawings for the College. This is a recording of a walk around the College with Judith Rolfe and Professor Mark Goldie in 2019 and includes Mark's detailed commentary on the buildings and changes over the years. There are some references to Richard Sheppard and Bill Mullins under whose direction Judith worked.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Grace Hamblin
Reference Code:
1985 (creation)
Interview with Grace Hamblin, former assistant secretary to Winston Churchill, (1932-38), secretary to Clementine Churchill (1939-45), secretary and administrator at Chartwell [Kent] (1945-65).
Churchill Oral History

Sir Anthony Montague Browne
Reference Code:
1986 (creation)
Interview with Sir Anthony Montague Browne, former Private Secretary to Winston Churchill, later seconded to the Foreign Office (1955-65).
Churchill Oral History

Keith Garrett – Rebooting Democracy general election candidate
Reference Code:
SOBA 5/1/14
2015-5-7 (creation)
Interviewed at the Cambridge Guildhall General Election count. As described by the depositor: We caught up with a PPC l Candidate, Keith Garrett, who started his own party from scratch, called Rebooting Democracy after he read a book of the same name. Keith told us: “I want to help run the country better. I am a systems administrator so I run computers. It isn’t actually that big a task to start a party, others should do it. You just have to fill in some forms, stand up there, talk to people, it is not that hard a thing to do. “To register the party cost me £150 and to stand as an MP was £500, and you get that back if you get 5 per cent of the vote. “No”, I won’t get that. The post office will give you a free mailing to everybody in the constituency. You have to print the leaflets yourself which I did. It cost me £700 to print the black and white leaflets which went to 53,600 homes. “Rebooting Democracy only has one pledge which is to change the system of government from the current one to one where the Country decides where it is going to go, and then we use citizen’s panels which are selected like juries, randomly, to come up with the decisions to take the Country forward. The current system has let us down so badly with the rise of social inequality, and climate change. This is only the beginning of the process for us we are going to move towards having an MP in every seat.”
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother