Interview with Maria Caulfield MP: helping children with Autism get better care
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/10
2018-02-22 (creation)
Caulfield is a member of the APPG on Autism which published a report calling on government to ensure teachers, schools and local authority's statement children with autism earlier. Caulfield co-chaired an enquiry on autism in schools, asking for extra funding for local authorities to recognise those with autism. She is looking for Government to realise that this is a national problem and there is the need to ensure schools have the support they need. There needs to be a focus on what resources are needed and determining how many individuals have autism spectrum disorder. Caulfield raises the importance of backbench MPs and how influential they can be.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Catherine Smart the Cambridge Liberal Democrat Agent: Local Elections
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/24
2018-05-09 (creation)
Smart is a former LD Councillor and as agent she had to take charge of election literature of others, the expenses of her election, which are tightly regulated, and was there at the Count in Guild Hall in Cambridge on May 4th. Smart talks about her role in the mid-term local elections, the Liberal Democrats had a surprise win taking control of the neighbouring council in South Cambridgeshire although in Cambridge itself, Labour kept control. Smart requested that Antoinette Jackson, the CEO of Cambridge City council conduct a recount in Trumpington Ward which was a knife edge win for Labour by four votes, but originally two votes had been put on the wrong pile. Smart discusses the election, voting and her role. Sones was in the Guild Hall during the vote, and asks Smart to explain how the ballot papers are counted. Smart says that there are three different aspects to council work: case work, including planning issues; campaigning; committee work. Smart was Councillor for Romsey, she lost her seat and Sones asks if it was because of the national swing in politics. Smart agreed and goes onto explain why she joined the Liberal Democrats, pinning it on Thatcherism. Smart and Sones discuss Brexit and Cambridge voting to Remain. Smart clarifies that the Liberal Democrats want a public vote on the deal that has been agreed. The pair move onto discuss #Vote100, and Sones asks about all-women shortlists. Smart notes the amount of women in local politics and the importance of them, especially in Cambridge.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

#Vote100 Readings by Elizabeth Crawford
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/2
2018-01-02 (creation)
Elizabeth Crawford was asked to read from her book, 'Enterprising Women: The Garrett's and their Circle'. Elizabeth discusses politics, education, the home and culture of the Garrett family. The book, tells the story of the Garrett family, who in the second half of the nineteenth century and the early years of the twentieth changed the position of women in Britain forever. They pioneered access to education at all levels and involved themselves in politics. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, Emily Davies, Millicent Fawcett left few personal papers, and biographers have had to rely on a few family letters. Crawford looked to re-create these women's lives. Crawford discusses how these women molded themselves within society.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Helen Goodman MP: supporting Labour's new Brexit Bill Reasoned Amendment
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/31
2018-06-06 (creation)
Goodman, Labour MP for Bishop Auckland talks about the announcement that Labour will be putting forward its own reasoned amendment on the Brexit Bill when all 15 Lords amendments will be debated in one day to ensure it does not have to support membership of the European Economic Area. This would have meant that the UK would remain part of the Single Market, but would also have to accept all of the four freedoms including the freedom of movement of people. Goodman represents a constituency that voted to leave the EU and as a member of the Shadow Cabinet she supports this new amendment and says she will be voting with Jeremy Corbyn. She also spoke up in favour of two other of those fifteen amendments, including membership of a customs union and the right for MPs to vote on the final agreement.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Nicky Massey and Katie Thornburrow as they take up their council seats in Cambridge: Abbey and Trumpington Wards
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/28
2018-05-21 (creation)
Both were selected on all-women shortlists for Labour and both campaigned on local issues. Nicky led the fight to get 10,000 signatures on a petition to keep Sure Start Centres open in the face of national closures and campaigned on a host of issues including traffic flows and garden fences that had blown down. While Thornburrow, an architect, spoke up for environmental improvement: more cycle ways; more electric car charging points; the introduction of water fountains; and affordable food shops. Sones, Massey and Thornburrow discuss the voting for the local elections and local issues concerning Cambridge. Sones asks about Brexit, Massey and Thornburrow discuss the sadness of talking to EU Nationals in Cambridge.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Sarah Wollaston MP: a new law on stalking and supporting Theresa May on her new Brexit Plan
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/37
2018-06-12 (creation)
Wollaston, MP for Totnes had a new Private Members Bill going through Parliament that would allow victims of stalking to get the police to take out stalking protection orders. She hoped the government would expedite the PMB just like it did with Wera Hobhouse MP's Upskirting Bill. On the new Chequers Brexit Plan, Wollaston states that she thinks Theresa May is doing a 'very good job'.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Peter Clarke, Professor Emeritus of Modern British History at the University of Cambridge on 'Are the Conservatives entering their third historical political phase of self-destruction?'
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/52
2018-11-05 (creation)
Clarke discusses Theresa May's leadership of the Conservative Party, the Brexit negotiations and the outcomes of her Chequers Deal. He looks back to the 19th Century Corn Law reforms which led to the resignation of the Prime Minister, Robert Peel and later the 20th Century tariff reforms under Arthur Balfour's Prime-ministership which ended disastrously for the party leading to a historic election defeat. Clarke believes that May dug herself into the subsequent difficulties she faced. Clarke believes that she 'needn't have done any of that', referring to triggering Article 50 and spelling out her 'red lines' in 2016. Clarke discusses how the UK arrived at the Brexit Referendum, referring to the United Kingdom Independence Party and how the Conservative Party became ideological, as they did before First World War when the issue of Tariff Reform. Clarke believed there could be both a People's Vote and a General Election and ended by warning that the Conservative Party have been most successful when they were the moderate party of pragmatism and they have left these sort of ideological contortions to the party opposite - be it Liberal or Labour.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Carolyn Harris MP: Fixed Odd Betting Terminals the Chancellor climbs down
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/55
2018-11-17 (creation)
Carolyn Harris is Labour MP for Swansea East is the Chair for the All Party Parliamentary Group on Fixed-Odds Betting Terminals. She discusses the u-turn the Chancellor Phillip Hammond did on introducing changes to the rules governing FOBT lowering the maximum stake that can be waged to just two pounds sooner rather than later.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Speaking up for Fathers and why Westminster Hall is such a good debating Chamber
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/66
2019-01-30 (creation)
Tracey Crouch, Conservative MP for Chatham and Aylesford and former Sports, Civil Society and Loneliness minister led the Fathers debate. Several of her male colleagues chipped in to say how left out they felt and often lonely as various health procedures made them feel 'outsiders' in the birth of their own children. The health minister responded to these after PMQs. Crouch was the first Conservative Minister to take maternity leave and welcomed the introduction of Proxy Voting, allowing Labour MP Tulip Siddiq, who delayed giving birth to attend the Brexit-deal vote two weeks before. Crouch talks to Sones about her Fathers debate and other campaigns. Crouch and her other half took shared parenting and she says her partner found it intimidating to go into any toddler and baby group not least because it was mostly badged mother and baby groups, or that they were mostly women.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Personal Independence Payments: A Westminster Hall Debate with Sharon Hodgson MP and Ruth George MP
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/7
2018-01-31 (creation)
Hodgson and George discuss the impact of new rules introduced for Personal Independence Payment and the impact this will have on constituents. The same week, the government said it would review every person receiving PIP after the Department for Work and Pensions decided not to challenge a court ruling saying that PIP changes were unfair. Hodgson and George were shocked about the response from the Conservative Ministers when asked about PIP as they ignored the evidence put forward by MPs. They discuss how the claims assessment process is not made for claimants and the aggressive environment it has created. This recording ends with a comment from 'Disabled People Against Cuts', they criticise the Conservative Government's response to PIP changes and austerity.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Emma Lewell-Buck MP on her Food Insecurity Bill - What gets measured gets mended
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/68/1
2019-02-27 (creation)
Lewell-Buck's bill looks to ensure that the Government knows how many people are going without food. There are record levels of in work poverty and childhood poverty. The Food Foundation and the UN have suggested that eight million households and four million children live in food poverty. Although Lewell-Buck's Bill will not become law, the government has said that it will be adopting its recommendations and collecting and publishing information. Lewell-Buck gave her response to the Department of Education's announcement that the government will introduce relationship education in primary schools and sex and relationship education in secondary schools from September 2020. Lewell-Buck proceeds to tell Sones why she believes the Labour MP Chris Williamson should be suspended from the Party over his comments on Antisemitism and why the party needs to take a tougher line. On the breakaway Independent Group, she admits feeling 'flat'. As a Remain MP in a Leave voting constituency and she does not support her leader, Jeremy Corbyn.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Dr Lisa Cameron, SNP MP for East Kilbride and psychologist on Brexit, Lucy's Law and 'Dump the Scales'
Reference Code:
SOBA 2/3
2019-05-16 (creation)
Cameron sits on the Parliamentary Radio's Advisory Board. Sones asks about Theresa May not reaching out to the devolved assemblies about Brexit, but did invite Jeremy Corbyn to talk. Cameron does not believe that May considered the Scottish First Minister enough, nor that the Scottish people have had their voice heard since the Brexit Referendum. Cameron discusses the Scottish National Party's position on the Customs Union and Single Market. Cameron hopes that May's 'red lines' are moveable and that talks are meaningful. Cameron has been campaigning on animal welfare, cancer campaigns and the movement to get women to stop using scales to promote good body identity, Sones asks about these issues because Brexit has clouded debate in the past few years. Cameron acknowledges that there is life beyond Brexit and issues that are important to her constituencies. Cameron talks about 'puppy smuggling' being banned, and talks about the patient experience of young people with cancer, ensuring that mental wellbeing is prioritised. Sones asks about Scottish Nationalism and Independence, Cameron thinks that Brexit emphasises the need for another Independence Referendum because of the chaos in Westminster. Cameron sees a 'no-deal' Brexit as one that could result in an independent Scotland.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Siobhan McDonagh, Labour MP for Mitcham and Morden
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/68/6
2019-03-15 (creation)
McDonagh speaks about Brexit, the Labour Party, antisemitism and knife crime
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Monday: The Green Surge in the East
Reference Code:
SOBA 2/4
2019-05-13 (creation)
Green Party event in Cambridge, Caroline Lucas MP speaking about the membership of the Green Party and the upcoming European Election. Lucas discusses the People's Vote campaign and Remain. Sones then talks to Lucas and Catherine Rowett - lead Green Party Candidate, outside the Guildhall in Cambridge. Lucas talks about their chances in the European Elections in the East about the green and European Union issues. Sones and Lucas talk about political commentators and their predictions of a victory for the Brexit Party. Rowett and Sones discuss her chances of being elected as an MEP. Rowett says that people she meets are talking about Extinction Rebellion and the Children's Strikes on Climate Change. Sones asks about a possible splintering of the Remain vote in the Election, Rowett rejects that the Green Party are similar to the Liberal Democrats. Sones then talks to Naomi Bennett, Green Candidate in Cambridge, Sones asks her about the key issues. Bennett thinks that people are disillusioned by the 'bully boy' tactics in Parliament and that there is a struggle in getting people to vote at all. Bennett talks extensively about 'door-knocking' and the importance of it in comparison to social media. The Greens in Cambridge have not been putting out social media adverts. Bennett talks about Cambridge being one of the richest cities in the country, but has nine food banks and hidden homelessness.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Nina, Countess of Onslow
Reference Code:
1986 (creation)
Interview with Nina, Lady Onslow [earlier "Jo" Sturdee], former personal secretary (1941-45) and principal personal secretary (1945-53) to Winston Churchill.
Churchill Oral History