Harriet Harman Q and As for #IWD2018 after her speech
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/12
2018-03-06 (creation)
Harriet Harman MP gives her view on getting more women and black, asian, minority ethnic MPs into Westminster and the barriers they face. She comments: 'what are we training them for, to become Winston Churchill in the Darkest Hour!". Harman says that this is not about doing different groups of people 'a favour', Parliament has to be representative, it is a necessity. Harman notes that when she came into Parliament it was like it was during the 'Darkest Hour' film. It is not Harman's position to train new MPs, she says, they need and will find their own path.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with economist Vicky Pryce - 50 years on and still NO equal pay in #Vote100 year
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/15
2018-03-15 (creation)
Pryce begins explaining why she thinks women do not get paid equally; stating that it is either because of the culture of organisations or because they have children. She states that women in their 20s earn more than men in many professions, but into their 30s, they do not. Often, organisations are not prepared to allow anyone to work flexibly. Many organisations lose women too early for them to end up in senior positions. Sones asks about the attitude of women in corporate situations, Pryce agrees it to be an issue in how women are educated but that the evidence does not suggest this. Women do better at University and earn more in their 20s, there must be wrong with the way private sector organisations are managing this as they think too short-term. Pryce argues that we need to ensure women are treated in the same way as men and quotas for senior positions in an array of sectors.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with The Liberal Democrat Peer Baroness Shirley Williams and former Labour foreign office minister Denis McShane
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/23
2018-04-23 (creation)
Williams and McShane speak to Parliamentary Radio about the @TutuFoundation #PeaceSummit2018 @RegentsUni in London. Sones and Williams are talking from the Desmond Tutu Peace Summit 2018, Sones asks about nationalism and Brexit. Williams agrees that we're going through a period of nationalism, but that the hope is the creation a global system of law. Williams and Sones discuss the importance of Brexit and the willingness to say that the process is not working. McShane is asked about mediating conflict with discussion, he talks about England's approach to treaties and solving conflict through discussion. McShane was said to have created the term 'Brexit', Sones asks about the conflict associated with it and McShane questions what 'negotiations' mean in this context in reference laws and regulations. McShane argues that the Government and Jeremy Corbyn have failed to mediate with the British public. Sones asks about 'Remainers' and McShane responds arguing that they are not true positions to hold and is sad that younger generations will not have the same rights as him to travel and live, just because Rupert Murdoch and Nigel Farage wanted it.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Jo Swinson MP on Artificial Intelligence and Ethics
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/3
2018-01-17 (creation)
Jo Swinson MP for East Dunbartonshire and Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats discusses her debate in Westminster Hall today on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Ethics. Swinson warns about the ethical considerations with AI. Swinson and Sones talk through the concerns regarding medical operations and how we help people re-skill and re-train. Indeed Swinson discusses the biases and discrimination within systems in courts and recruitment and government challenging practice. Sones and Swinson discuss sex robots and stereotypes around women and working with Matt Hancock MP.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Vicky Ford MP: #AskHerToStand, Proxy Voting, Brexit White Paper and on her Prime Minister Theresa May
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/39
2018-07-19 (creation)
Ford, Conservative MP for Chelmsford, chairs the All Party Parliamentary Group on Women in the House of Commons, this week with others she laid a wreath at the statue of Emmeline Pankhurst to commemorate Pankhurst's birthday. Ford had been attending Pankhurst parties and she is part of a movement which is encouraging women from all parties to come forward and stand for parliament with the campaign group #AskHerToStand. Sones asks about the week's events in Westminster as the government got its amendments to the Brexit White Paper through when four Labour MPs voted with it.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Lucy Allan MP: Child Sexual Exploitation - CSE
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/36
2018-06-27 (creation)
Allen, MP for Telford talks about Child Sexual Exploitation, upskirting, the expansion of Heathrow Airport and why she strongly supports Brexit two years on from the vote to leave. On CSE, Allan talks about working with the Sikh community in Telford who help feed the homeless and how they feel discriminated against as a 'Muslim Gang' as people group those of Asian origin. When discussing Heathrow and Brexit, Allen voted in favour of a new runway and this is especially the case when looking to expand our horizons post-Brexit.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Baroness Susan Kramer on Theresa May's Chequers Brexit Plan, free trade deals and food standards post-Brexit needing greater scrutiny
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/38
2018-07-12 (creation)
Kramer is the Liberal Democrat Treasury and Economics spokesperson and believes the Chequers Brexit Plan left much to be desired. Kramer warns that any future free trade deal with countries like America could mean UK consumers eating less healthy foods and lowering standards. She was stunned by the Chequers Agreement and agrees with President Donald Trump, that the UK is in chaos.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Gavin Shuker: Hate Crime
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/49
2018-10-17 (creation)
Shuker, MP for Luton South is a member of the Women and Equalities Select Committee which had heard evidence from the traveller community on hate crime. The Committee had been looking at hate crime including associated with race, disability and women. Some, such as Labour MP Stella Creasy called for misogyny to be made a hate crime. Shuker tells Parliamentary Radio why he thinks social media must reform to take down users, on sites like Twitter and Facebook. He believes that there is a responsibility on social media companies and big tech firms. Shuker explains that the 2010 Equality Act only went so far and that if new 'smart' legislation were introduced it would need European and US co-operation.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Maria Miller MP, Lucy Powell MP and Baroness Tessa Jowell
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/6
2018-01-26 (creation)
During the week of 26 January; sexism, charity dinners and criminal justice reform was the topic of conversation in politics. Miller and Sones discuss the business environment and sexual harassment related to the Presidents Club Charity Dinner. This came after the Financial Time's exclusive report on the Dinner, the all male event employed women as hostesses and has led to complaints of sexual harassment. Miller calls for stronger legislation and looks to raise the issue with Prime Minister Theresa May and the criminal investigation. Powell discusses the 'Joint Enterprise' debate and the legal processes behind convicting young people who have a very minor role in a murder or other crime. Conservative MP's have discussed cases in their constituencies and Powell goes onto discuss her work and working cross-party. Baroness Jowell received a standing ovation for her ten minute speech calling for better treatment for brain cancer patients, she was shocked at the lack of action and attention paid to this issue. Toward the end of the recording, Baroness Jowell's full ten minute speech is recorded. Jowell discusses the NHS, patients and the care individuals receive utilising data for better treatments.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

50:50 Parliament #AskHerToStand
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/56
2018-11-19 (creation)
In November 2018, 200 MPs took 300 women to the UK Parliament as part of the 50:50 Parliament campaign to encourage more women to stand for and become MPs. Sones hears from supporters of the campaign: Amelia Womack, Deputy Leader of the Green Party; Daniel Zeichner, the Labour MP for Cambridge, Frances Scott of 50:50 Parliament; Jackie Ashley, a former president of Lucy Cavendish College and Professor Dame Carol Black, Principle of Newnham College. Womack emphasised that 'women need to be asked to stand several times'. Ashley says that things were 'getting easier' for women in Parliament now as there were more women. In 2018, 32% of the 650 MPs were women and it is estimated that it could take up to 200 years before there was a 50:50 gender based parliament.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with constituents after Heidi Allen, MP for South Cambridgeshire holds a public meeting - Do Voters like TIGs?
Reference Code:
SOBA 1/68/7
2019-03-16 (creation)
Sones interviews David, Rebecca, Bruce, Vivienne and Emma as they attended a public meeting in Cambridge to hear from Allen discuss why she decided to leave the Conservatives to join the new Independent Group of MPs. Four support her and one is not sure about any of the political parties. Nearly 150 people attended the meeting, with the majority in favour of Allen's decision.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Interview with Rupa Huq, Labour MP for Ealing Central and Acton and a member of the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee, on prorogation
Reference Code:
SOBA 2/17
2019-09-24 (creation)
Sones asks about the Supreme Court, which is sitting to hear two appeals relating to the prorogation of Parliament. As a member of the Constitutional Select Committee, Huq says that this is unprecedented and thinks the Executive has got too powerful in this case. Sones and Huq discuss the Brexit Referendum and the impact it has had on how the people view of the Executive. Huq ties this into how Alexander 'Boris' Johnson, Prime Minister, has behaved in previous roles and in his personal life. Huq discusses how ridiculous it is that MP's are attacking the courts and electioneering whilst in office. Huq does not think that the Brexit-led Committee discuss issues close to the Prime Minister, including questions over the Prime Minister's Special Advisor Dominic Cummings. Sones and Huq discuss the need for a written constitution and Huq thinks it is broken because the Government is behaving as a 'medieval' force.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Maria Miller, Conservative MP for Basingstoke and Chair of the influential Equalities Select Committee on Theresa May's legacy
Reference Code:
SOBA 2/10
2019-06-20 (creation)
Miller talks about maternity discrimination which has not been tackled since a review in 2016, Sones asks about the new Domestic Violence Bill. Miller is chairing the scrutinising process of this Bill, which aims to set out in law a definition of Domestic Violence to provide redress for sufferers and stop it in the first place. Miller believes May can be proud of this achievement.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Doreen Pugh
Reference Code:
1986 (creation)
Interview with Doreen Pugh, former personal secretary to Winston Churchill (1955-65).
Churchill Oral History

Elizabeth Gilliatt
Reference Code:
1986 (creation)
Interview with Elizabeth Gilliatt, former personal secretary to Winston Churchill, (1945-55).
Churchill Oral History

Kathleen Hill
Reference Code:
1986 (creation)
Interview with [Rose] Kathleen Hill, former personal secretary to Winston Churchill, (1937-45).
Churchill Oral History

Oral history: Audrey Canning
Reference Code:
2022-11-02 (creation)
Recollections of being one of the first few women at Churchill; background and coming to Churchill; living in College; first impressions; involvement in College activities; geographical position of College; contemporaries; student activities; career.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral History: Christine Bondi
Reference Code:
2014-10-06 (creation)
Includes: reaction to Mastership invitation from College; impact on her teaching; first visit to College and first impressions; living in College; entertaining students; swimming pool and grandchildren.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Recording 1
Reference Code:
2015-09-22 (creation)
Appointment as Bursar; early challenges inc. secretarial assistance for committees; appointment of Conference Manager; admission of women; financial pressures; opening of Archives Centre; centenary of the birth of Churchill; student representation; minuting of meetings.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Recording 2
Reference Code:
2015-10-01 (creation)
Harold Pettitt and first staff; College accounts; other College staff; development of conference business; student discos; bomb scare; Sergei Kapitza; Hugh Lubbock; Tamas Liptak; Bernard Walker; Maha Yamani
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral History: John Moore
Reference Code:
2016-03-24 (creation)
Churchill Border and named plants
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral history: Harold Pettit
Reference Code:
1985 (creation)
Interview with Harold Pettit, 1st chief clerk, made as part of oral history project undertaken by Patricia Ackerman in 1985 for the Churchill Archives Centre. 1 copy tape (plus 1 master), with written summary of interview
Official Archive of Churchill College