BBC Interview with Canon Noel Duckworth on his experiences of the Oxford Cambridge Boat Races
Reference Code:
1961-03-27 (creation)
Covers the races in 1934 -1936, when Duckworth coxed the Cambridge boat and the traditions of Oxbridge rowing.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Recording 5
Reference Code:
2016-09 (creation)
Includes: Tom Hitchens, Head Gardener 1963/68, and Albert Hayward, Gardener 1963/72. Audio recording and transcript.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral History: Mary Broers
Reference Code:
2017-03-18 (creation)
Includes: First impressions and Master's Lodge; first dog to live in Churchill College and dogs generally; Master's Garden; Visitors to the Master's Lodge; Hanging Committee, Maisonneuve Collection and Duncan Grant painting; Joseph Carberry and Evelyn Walker; Thanksgiving; Women at Trinity and Churchill; Security in the Master's Lodge; Moller Centre
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral history: Dr Richard Hey
Reference Code:
1996 (creation)
Interview with Dr Richard Hey, Founding Fellow, made by Dr Mark Goldie, 19 July 1996. 1 tape (about 80 minutes) and written summary (9pp)
Official Archive of Churchill College

Recording 1
Reference Code:
2014-05 (creation)
Includes: tree planting ceremony; Peter’s early career; Joint Services Language Courses and teaching in Paris; Coming to Churchill; Sheppard Flats and early days; Women at Churchill; Official opening of College and Menu and the Dessert, First Course, Main Course. Audio recording and transcript.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Recording 3
Reference Code:
2015-01 (creation)
Includes: Secrecy and confidentiality; wartime childhood in Paris; Liberation of Paris, radio during the Occupation; Learning English and London; Russian Lessons and appointment to JSLC; Meeting Peter and Peter’s first wife; Teaching for the JSLC; Michael Frayn; Sir Rodric Braithwaite; Getting married to Peter; interpreting and Pugwash Conference; Early days at Churchill; first members of staff inc. Pamela Tennant; Churchill and sense of belonging. Audio recording and transcript.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral History: Philippa Comber
Reference Code:
2017 (creation)
Early life and training; applying for post of Counsellor; extensive interview process; reactions to new post; difficulties faced as a woman; Barrie Hesketh; Role of Chaplain v. Counsellor; Boundaries
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral History: Julia Boyd
Reference Code:
2016-10-10 (creation)
Includes: Coming to Churchill and first impressions; Masters' wives; Living in the Master's Lodge and entertaining; Special Visitors: Margaret Thatcher and visitors from North and South Korea; Thatcher Papers; President of the Boat Club; Reflections on time at, and special qualities of Churchill; College Staff (Jenny Temple; Joseph Abreu; Joseph Carberry; Les Smith; Graham Pledger); Master's Lodge Japanese Garden, and impact from inside the College; new Head Gardener and change of approach; general landscape; Margot Perryman (By-Fellow 2002/3);
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral History: Xiaotian Fu
Reference Code:
2017-10-05 (creation)
Includes: First impressions; community; Japanese (Oriental-themed) garden in Master's Lodge; gift to the College; the importance of gardens; the stones - 'Reading Gal' and 'The Screen'; first impressions of structure of new Xiaotian Fu Garden; hopes and aspirations for the garden.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Oral history: Anny King
Reference Code:
2019-06-18 (creation)
Includes: Becoming a Fellow; first impressions (people, architecture, gardens); interaction with committees and staff; role of staff in pastoral care of students; Higher Education Role Analysis (HERA); Moller Institute; Editorship of 'Churchill Review'; resignation from College Council; students and alcohol; College support during illness; nurturing students, the Tutorial Committee and mental health; language projects in College; French Government Fellowship; women in the Fellowship and in the University; conduct of Governing Body meetings.
Official Archive of Churchill College

9th Roskill Memorial Lecture
Reference Code:
2001 (creation)
Given by Professor Peter Hennessy.
Including correspondence with Peter Hennessy and with guests; a transcript of the lecture; 3 audio tapes of the lecture; a menu; an invitation; a ticket; a press release; a poster; a guest list; a table plan; and photographs.
Official Archive of Churchill College

3rd Roskill Memorial Lecture
Reference Code:
1989-02-16 (creation)
Given by Field Marshal Lord Carver.
Including correspondence with Field Marshal Lord Carver and with guests; an audio recording and transcript of the lecture; an invitation; a poster; a ticket; a press release; a guest list; menu; thank you letters; and a table plan.
Official Archive of Churchill College

14th Roskill Memorial Lecture
Reference Code:
2012 (creation)
Given by Robert B Zoellick, President of the World Bank Group, and entitled "Modernizing multilateralism: learning from military history. Includes text of lecture delivered by Zoellick plus speaking notes for after dinner speech by Nicholas Roskill.
Official Archive of Churchill College

Patrick O’Flynn – UKIP general election candidate
Reference Code:
SOBA 5/1/15
2015-4-18 (creation)
Interviewed while campaigning in King's Hedges. As described by the depositor: We met Patrick O’Flynn when he and his team were campaigning in a target ward for them, Kings Hedges. He said: “This is one of the more working class wards in Cambridge and we have had a series of action days where we have targeted and leafleted people in our target wards, which tend to be the more blue collared wards. Last night we had a big public meeting in the Ward in the Arbury Community Centre, and other members of our Party attended. We had the added attraction of Douglas Carswell, and I am UKIP national campaign director too so I have been on the television quite a lot. Douglas brought in the extra turnout and we had a really good night. We are getting the leaflets through the door, but it is very mixed. Some say there is no place for UKIP in Cambridge, because we want migration controls. “I do Tweet but I don’t do Facebook but the Party puts a lot into Facebook with Nigel Farage and others in the party. We are coming from a fairly low base in Cambridge but we are the new kid on the Cambridge scene but we have taken massive strides forward. We have eight candidates for 14 wards, I am proud of that, and through the local elections we will find out where our strength lies to hopefully go on to win local seats in 2016. “Cambridge is a Liberal Left city but the liberal left vote is split so it gives me a niche between the blue collar and Conservative vote who might like some of our pledges on defence spending and looking after some of our veterans, law and order and EU and immigration and inheritance tax.”
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Labour 'Big Footing' event
Reference Code:
SOBA 5/1/24
2015-2-25 (creation)
Interviews on Harrian Harman's pink bus, including with Harman, and members of her team Sally Gimson, from the Labour List website, and Ann Sinnott a Cambridge Councillor. As described by the depositor: We asked Harriet, how many places her pink bus would be visiting and why the colour of the bus had provoked so much criticism? She spoke of how important the women’s vote was to her party. Harriet told us: “There has been a lot of controversy about the colour, but I can’t really regard it as negative publicity because how can you have a debate about something so insignificant. As we have gone around the Country, women are concerned, not about the colour, but about what is going on in women’s lives and what local government and national government can do for them. The women’s vote is very important to Labour and for women to vote. Last time in 2010, 9.1 million didn’t vote. I think it is important that we hear women’s voices that women have their say and exercise their vote. Politics is too important to be left to the boys.” Sally Gimson, from the Labour List website, said: “People are hooting on the motorway as the pink bus goes by. It has been mocked but not viciously attacked. It has made people look at women’s issues. All publicity is good publicity. The cost of living, people’s income, child care, DV, the grooming of children, sexual harassment, are big issues for women as well. The battle has not yet been won for women and that is why we are out on the pink bus.” Ann Sinnott, a Labour City Councillor since May 2014, said: “I was delighted with the pink bus and there is nothing wrong with the colour. The mediation service we visited, do very good work, and there were other representatives there working with vulnerable women and women with DV. It costs the police huge amounts of money each year, it is costly and there is a human cost too. DV is the biggest crime anywhere.”
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Cambridge Evening News: part one
Reference Code:
SOBA 5/1/33
2015-4-23-2015-4-27 (creation)
Interviews with John Vale political editor and reporter at the Cambridge Evening News. As described by the depositor: After attending one Hustings event and chairing another John told us: “It is very important that people know where their candidates stand on a wide range of issues. People need to know the full range of issues from what the candidates will do about potholes to the big humanitarian crisis facing us, such as the Palestinian situation. The Conservative and UKIP candidates were invited and didn’t turn up to that one today on Palestine, so people need to know that too. “What I try and do with Twitter is not to give any sort of interpretation but to give an account of what was said. The candidates go within two hours from talking about how you solve dyslexia to how you solve the crisis of the Middle East. “Twitter has 140 characters and we very rarely go beyond 600 in a story in the paper. It is only possible to capture 10 or 20 per cent of the debate, so it’s not an easy task, what I find interesting might not be interesting to others, but I do my best. There is a lot of knowledge to get on the page.”
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Poll card deliverers
Reference Code:
SOBA 5/1/5
2015-4-22 (creation)
As described by the depositor: Robert also delivers poll cards, as does Harriet Morgan, who we met at the Buddhist Hustings event. Robert has delivered 4000 poll cards this year. However Harriet thinks delivering cards does matter as it can give people the chance to realise they need to register if they haven’t done so already. .“People do say “where’s mine”. Vicky told us she has 150 staff that work for her department on polling day, and training them is essential. There is no electoral legislation to cover the use of mobile phones, Twitter or Facebook.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Postal voter and hustings organiser
Reference Code:
SOBA 5/1/7
2015-4-27 (creation)
As described by the depositor: We caught up with a postal voter who had helped organise the Brunswick and North Kite, Residents Association Hustings, Sue Gordon Roe. Around 200 people attended from the area after Sue and her friends delivered 500 invites to their neighbours. She organised a postal vote for her husband and daughter and voted on April 24th before she went on holiday: “I rang up and they sent it. We voted locally and we voted nationally. Double envelopes, all through the post and the door.”
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Presiding Officer, Robert Osborn
Reference Code:
SOBA 5/2/13
2015-4-22 (creation)
Interview with Vicky Breading , City Council’ Electoral Services Manager, and long serving Presiding Officer, Robert Osborn at a training night for Presiding Officers.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Rupert Read at Bike Hustings
Reference Code:
SOBA 5/2/4
2015-4-7 (creation)
Interview with Rupert Read, Green Party general election candidate
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother

Middle East and Palestinian hustings
Reference Code:
SOBA 5/2/16
2015-4-27 (creation)
Includes interviews with John Vale and organiser Pam Manning and her chair, Mona.
Women’s Parliamentary Radio publications and podcasts, conducted by Boni Sones with contributions by Jackie Ashley, Deborah McGurran and Linda Fairbrother