Oral history: Archie Howie

Includes: (At end) Prof Howie reading two of his poems: ‘The Biological Journeys of Richard Keynes’ and ‘Fine Cooking and Gluttony’. Also included: Appointment to Churchill and Junior Research Fellowships; Governing Body meetings, Admission to Fellowship and Founder Fellows; Sir John Cockcroft, Building and Visiting Fellowships; Death of the Founder; John Morrison; Appointment of Fellows; Major-General Hamilton; Chapel Controversy and John Killen; College Council; Committees set up to consider the Admission of Women; Appointment as Dean; Women at High Table; Ladies’ Evenings; Events for wives of Fellows; Sir Edward Bullard and Mastership Elections; Sir Hermann Bondi; Lord Broers; President of the SCR and the participation of Fellows; Special Events and ‘Howie’ Poems; Richard Hey;
Visiting Fellowship Scheme and First French Government Fellow; Denys Armstrong and the Building of the College.


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