UKIP campaign manager, Lisa Duffy, and her colleagues

Interviewed while campaigning in King's Hedges.

As described by the depositor:

Graham said: “I have just joined UKIP – they were saying the type of things about this Country and the way it is going. I don’t want to be ruled by Brussels but I am not anti-Europe.”

Lisa told us: “Today we are delivering 4,000 leaflets, and we are very pleased with the turnout of the members, we should cover the whole ward. As an agent my days are very, very long, designing the literature, getting the people out there, and social media is getting bigger but it is not replacing what goes through the door, it has not overtaken paper stuff yet.

“I know that with leaflets, the majority do go in the bin, but with a good headline message and decent photo you can sway people, so I would say less is more. You have ten seconds to capture their imagination.”

Richard went with us to deliver leaflets through doors with his long plastic dog proof spoon, to ensure his hand did not get bitten: “It is a bit odd, putting leaflets through doors with a blue spoon but it works. I would like to build a base and through putting my name on the ballot paper locally as a candidate I give people a voice.”


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