Green 'Big Footing' event

From a a special Green debate with the Guardian journalist Zoe Williams at Downing College, Cambridge. Includes interviews with Green Party Leader Natalie Bennett, Zac, her national campaign manager, and local activists in the audience.

As described by the depositor:

Natalie told us: “On Climate Change, we have really been left behind while the rest of the World, Countries like China, are towering ahead. That is one of the things our Manifesto focuses on not just energy conservation but renewables. The Green surge has grown more than four fold in the past year in a range of seats we are seeing growth and a whole range of possibilities.”

Zac, the National campaigns assistant for the Green Party in England and Wales said: “We have just past 60,000 members in England and Wales so the Green surge is continuing. The green party isn’t really about Natalie it is about the ideas and policies we have got to create a fairer society. We are also challenging Norwich South, the second best result for us last time after Brighton. Cambridge was third for us in 2010. I think we are really moving into multiparty politics, which I think is a more mature system. “

Dennis O'Malley of the Stop the War coalition said he had attended the Hustings to find our “directly” what the Green Party had to say on a number of issues particularly foreign policy: “Yes, we can ask questions directly to the Leader of the Party and get them to talk about issues that they might otherwise avoid.”


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