Student voters and Green party activist

Various interviews at Newnham.

As described by the depositor:

The Student voters: Later we travelled across the City to Newnham where Robinson College University of Cambridge students Richard and Amy were queuing to vote and refused to give their polling number to the Tellers. We asked them to self-narrate the scene as they moved slowly down the queue of 50 or more so that historians of the future could picture it. The student vote is said to have won the seat for Labour from the Liberal Democrat’s by just 599 votes.

Richard said: “The queue is surprisingly long, longer than what I expected, about 50 and a lot of them at this time of day, midday are students. I applied to vote and chose to vote here rather than back home as this is a marginal and my vote will make more of a difference. A lot of these people couldn’t vote in 2010, the tuition fee hike gets people interested. Because the polls are predicting a tie between Labour and Conservative you feel you need to come out here and do something about it. The election will be to the wire even after the results are announced because we don’t know what is going to happen. I looked things up online as well and got emails and letters from the candidates Julian and Daniel, in an attempt to engage us – things are moving onto the internet, the Green Party is good on Facebook. I decided how to vote two weeks ago”.

Amy said: “The Scottish Referendum and talk of an EU Referendum makes people more interested in politics now. I have been on the internet and watched some of the parody videos that mock the system. There are quite a lot of quizzes around that are very unreliable that tell you what you are supposed to be voting for. I decided how to vote yesterday, there is a lot of scare mongering and policies not set in stone that I don’t trust yet.”

One Green Activist Ruth Lambert from Newnham had literally “plastered” the front of her house with posters: Ruth said: “I think we are on the cusp of a Whoosh!”

“I think we are not looking at a future as we were before, there is going to be a surge in greens, humanity and people centred policies rather than power centred policies. We need to rebuild community and that is the point of this window.”


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