Speaking up for Fathers and why Westminster Hall is such a good debating Chamber

Tracey Crouch, Conservative MP for Chatham and Aylesford and former Sports, Civil Society and Loneliness minister led the Fathers debate. Several of her male colleagues chipped in to say how left out they felt and often lonely as various health procedures made them feel 'outsiders' in the birth of their own children. The health minister responded to these after PMQs. Crouch was the first Conservative Minister to take maternity leave and welcomed the introduction of Proxy Voting, allowing Labour MP Tulip Siddiq, who delayed giving birth to attend the Brexit-deal vote two weeks before. Crouch talks to Sones about her Fathers debate and other campaigns. Crouch and her other half took shared parenting and she says her partner found it intimidating to go into any toddler and baby group not least because it was mostly badged mother and baby groups, or that they were mostly women.


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