Interview with Dr Lisa Cameron MP and Jo Swinson MP on #Vote100 whilst looking at the Suffragette displays in Parliament

Cameron and Swinson look at five important tributes to the suffragette women. They begin by the grill in Central Lobby, Cameron reads the plaque regarding women gaining the vote. Cameron discusses what the suffragettes did and the impact the movement still has on her, Cameron was the first SNP female MP in her constituency. Sones asks whether the SNP have enough women, Cameron says that they do not and that there is much more to do. Swinson discusses what the Liberal Democrats have been doing and the need for a coherent policy regarding maternity leave in politics. Sones walks them round to the Viscount Falkland statue and Swinson discusses the statue and the importance of continually fighting for equality. Sones walks into the broom cupboard where Emily Wilding Davison hid herself during the 1911 Census so she was able to record her address on the night as the House of Commons. She died after throwing herself under the King's Horse at the Derby. Sones, Cameron and Swinson discuss the time taken for Parliament to acknowledge what the suffragettes did.