Interview with Rupa Huq, Labour MP for Ealing Central and Acton and a member of the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee, on prorogation

Sones asks about the Supreme Court, which is sitting to hear two appeals relating to the prorogation of Parliament. As a member of the Constitutional Select Committee, Huq says that this is unprecedented and thinks the Executive has got too powerful in this case. Sones and Huq discuss the Brexit Referendum and the impact it has had on how the people view of the Executive. Huq ties this into how Alexander 'Boris' Johnson, Prime Minister, has behaved in previous roles and in his personal life. Huq discusses how ridiculous it is that MP's are attacking the courts and electioneering whilst in office. Huq does not think that the Brexit-led Committee discuss issues close to the Prime Minister, including questions over the Prime Minister's Special Advisor Dominic Cummings. Sones and Huq discuss the need for a written constitution and Huq thinks it is broken because the Government is behaving as a 'medieval' force.