Interview with Sharon Hodgson, Labour MP for Washington and Sunderland West and Shadow Public Health Minister on standing up for just causes

Sones begins by welcoming Hodgson and introducing her, Hodgson has been campaigning on access to medicines. Hodgson talks about the postcode medicine lottery and speaks about some medicines that are not available at the moment. Sones asks about previous scandals with a range of medicines including Vaginal Mesh and Education, Health and Care Plans. Sones moves the conversation onto the BBC License Fee because of the proposal to cancel the free License Fee for Over-75s, Hodgson wants the Government to act. Sones and Hodgson discuss the jobs lost from Nissan Factories being closed in relation to Brexit, speaking about Gordon Brown's scrappage scheme after the last economic downturn, she thinks that the Conservatives are acting too slowly. Sones asks about Jeremy Corbyn's position on Brexit and whether it is clear enough. Hodgson discusses how she manages a desire to remain with representing a leave constituency. The pair discuss anti-semitism and the actions that need to be taken.