Interview with Meg Hillier, Labour MP for Hackney South and Shoreditch and Chair of the Public Accounts Committee. Hillier was knocked out in the first round of voting for the new Speaker of the House of Commons

Hillier stood for Speaker of the House, Hillier expands on why and Sones is curious as to why many recommendations in reference to bullying in Parliament have not been implemented as of yet. Hillier thinks MPs need better Human Resources advice and trained office managers, many MPs rush into the role without any experience once they get into Parliament. Hillier says that when there is an issue with an MP, it is often the staff member who gets removed from their role. Hillier thinks that Parliament has been modernised under John Bercow's speakership but that there is a long way to go where bullying is concerned. Sones asks whether Parliament has done its job in recent years, she believes so as it kept the Executive in check, but that it was a difficult system to operate in. However, Hillier does believe that there have been many things that have not gone through Parliament as there is no majority either way.